Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flower Boy

He's wondering if I love him.
Oh YES I do! :-)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


After months of ZX calling me Papa and wondering when he's going to change... Yesterday 23 June 2008, ZX finally calls me mama!!

When H. brought him home, ZX ran to me while calling out to me “mama”! Once, and that’s all it took for me to feel all warm inside… I carried him up and showered him with kisses. Kind of a blissful moment! Heh heh!

Later that night, he kept repeating “mama mama mama”, and we caught that in video. ;-P

~ Oh Boy! MamaBee is as excited as a puppy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Lead in the making

Last night, these happened when I was putting ZX to sleep...

1. ZX was lying beside me and held his legs up high. I followed. Then he put his legs down, I did too. He giggled at that and started to put his legs up again. And so we continued to play and he laughed every time.
I'm amused that now he can lead you in his plays. It's fun!

2. Nose rubbing - ZX loves it when I rubbed my nose on his.

3. He also repeated a few times after me saying the mandarin words for sleeping "shui4 jiao4".

4. When I stopped patting his bum, he patted himself on his butt. For a while...Heh :P

I agree that he's in a really cute age now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Two "I"s

Be mindful that whatever you do or say, your children will observe and imitate... and they are fast learners!
Every morning when I'm getting ready for work, ZX will:
~ tiptoe to look into the mirror, then utter in his baby talk (sometimes screams) asking me to give him the comb when I'm combing my hair. Once he got it, he'll comb his hair.
~ Copies me applying talc, he'll do the kind of motions on his upper arms.

Nowadays, ZX will play with his imagination. He opens his mouth and said "ah" asking for food.
And if you put the non-existent food in his mouth, he'll munch & munch with sound like he's enjoying the food. How cute!

I'm waiting to see more imaginations of his... :D

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Two Three!

Another milestone!
Last weekend, when we said "One... two...", ZX would go "Thee" (yeah without the 'r')
And last night, he chanted with us "One... two... Th(r)ee"!!

Ah, my boy can learn so fast by mimicking!
I think I should try to take a video clip of that, but nowadays we can't really take photos/videos of him because he wants to look at the photos and play with the buttons. :P

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This morning

"Zheng Xi" eventhough it didn't sound exactly right...
But for the first time, I heard my baby uttered his own name! Not once, but a few times...

1 month old

Cheeky, isn't he? :D
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