Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Timid or Careful?

Nowadays, we think ZX has become more & more timid…

Scenario 1:
A few weeks back, we brought him to the Malay barber. He started crying once we’re at the front door and refused to get into the shop. So, we didn’t force him.
We’ve been asking him for many a times since then and all his answers were “No! Bu Yao!” and shook his head vigorously. How how? Are we going to let him keep long hair like a girl? :P

Scenario 2:
In the hot weather these days, ZX has scratched himself pretty badly until he’s got skin infection. And again at the clinic’s front door, the whines started. It also took me a while to persuade him to let me carry him inside the doctor’s room. He hung onto me ever so tightly and cried…. All the doctor need to do is take a look at his skin… I wonder why he’d behaved like that? Was it because of some bad experience? He used to be so good when seeing doc.

Scenario 3:
At the playground, ZX’s always careful and slower than the other kids. 2 weekends ago, he was playing the slides happily, but just this last Sunday, he’d sit on top of the slide and dared not come down on his own unless I went up there and let him down. Sigh…

And so I wonder…

~ MamaBee is clueless … hoping this stage will pass too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kissy Kissy

ZX trying to kiss his cousin. See the pouty mouth.. heh heh! ;-P

Thursday, February 5, 2009

2009 CNY

My little baby, now a 2 years old toddler. He's learning to talk pretty fast nowadays. What comes out, of course is a mix of Hokkien (mostly), Mandarin and English. The most popular word is of course "bu4 yao4" and "No!".

When we went back to our hometown for Chinese New Year, he had lots of fun playing indoor which was going up and down the stairs. Outdoor, he loved riding the spoiled tricycle, running around in the garden, raking leaves (erm... not really), watering the plants, swinging on the swing and playing with sands and rocks.

With all the cousins around, at least ZX has companies to play with (read some time for me to rest.. haha), I think he especially likes little M. It's really nice to see the both of them hug and kiss, just that when little M initiated to kiss him, he pushed her away. Have told him that it's not okay to push others, but he still did that a few times. Hmmm, have to keep teaching him.

Last night, while I was putting him to bed and was lying beside him, ZX started to pat my butt like we always pat him, then asked me to pat his diapered tush too. So sweet. :)

~ MamaBee needs to put some time to update this blog often.